Last week I attended a webinar held by Claudia Zarabara of Promex entitled “Social Networks: which ones to choose?”. This question and above all the participation in this meeting gave me the inspiration to write this article, for which I raise by asking who is reading: have you ever wondered if the time we spend on social networks is really necessary and what benefits it brings? For those who are a millennial like me, the answer is simple and obvious: social networks are everything, or almost! Social media have become the business card of the company and the privileged channel for proposing and involving, because through them we communicate directly with people and share our days, our successes and show what we do; at the same time we also use them as search engines, to quickly obtain the information we are looking for.
Social media and the web in general live on content, which must always be of quality, constant, updated and measured on the target audience, therefore those who follow corporate communication must deal with continuous updates, which require a considerable investment of time.
In the last ten years the changes have been many and faster and faster, but the basic concept is always the same, which derives from the old school when working only on paper:
Do – Know – Know How – Let people know
This concept makes us understand a very important thing: the choice of which social networks to use is fundamental, in relation to the fact that all products can be told in social networks, but we need to find the most suitable platform and the correct and targeted way to do it. For this you need an expert on the subject and the difference is precisely the knowledge of your product and your target.
Before, there was between b2c marketing and b2b marketing, now we have moved on to a more universal concept: Marketing 2 human, because whether it is consumer or business, we always have to deal with human, with a person who speaks to another person and their tastes, feelings and emotions. This is precisely the beauty of marketing in 2020: communicating with people, getting to know them through the web and establishing a direct relationship with them that fills their needs, their desire to know and their days.
The pandemic has created a wall between those who had an agile and smart corporate structure with those who were tied to tradition and unwilling to “corporate digitalization”: the difference was seen in the months of the lockdown, where many lowered the shutters and opened the doors of the web, which allowed them to continue working and invoicing. Agility is of primary importance to make companies live and not survive in the Covid-19 period: digitized processes, smart working, speed of responding to emails and comments on social networks, constant updates of the website and social networks…
This is just a small example of what my job is, but what’s missing in all of this? Human warmth. The web replaces any “traditional” procedure, but it can never replace a handshake after months of telematic communication or a hug after the project is finished. Nobody is “old-fashioned” in these things, the web and social networks are of fundamental importance and are an integral and vital part of our life and our work, but human relationships are also made up of physical proximity, and that is why social networks are “almost everything”!
Susanna Dei Rossi