Last July, Mahshad Heravi Alimardani arrived in Cavallino Treporti. She is an iranian student of architecture, in Italy to perfect her post-graduate study course at the Politecnico di Milano with a specialization in Sustainable Architecture. The student was able to carry out an internship at Forme d’Acqua, thanks to the project Invest Your Talent in Italy, promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, by the ICE – Agency for the international promotion of Italian companies and by Uni-Italia.
Thanks to her three-months internship we had the opportunity to develop together some important projects devoted to Middel East countries, in particular Iraqui Kurdistan where Forme d’Acqua has been working for the last years.
“We have been working in Middle East and particularly Iraqi Kurdistan for a long time and we know this country quite well“, says Gianluca Orazio, Forme d’Acqua’s CEO, “our company started working there just when many European companies preferred other markets instead. We have maintained a constant presence and our intention now is to continue working and making a gift to this land that is giving us so much in terms of trust and of course sales“.
“We have involved our main architects, Simona M. Favrin and Devis Rampazzo and our expert of plants and ornamental essences Anna Paradisi, who voluntarily contributed to her stage and the developments of her projects, overseeing the work of the student who has a cultural background close to the Kurdish one and experience in urban regeneration projects“.
Soraya Melinato, a student of the Department of Land Planning at the IUAV of Venice, residing in Cavallino, but of Afghan origins, joined for a period Mahshad, during her training internship, also participated in the internship.