How to purify the air in our houses?

How to purify the air in our houses?

It may surprise you, but even the air of our homes and offices is often highly polluted, sometimes more than outside.

This is due to the combination of two factors: a direct effect of our cities’ pollution because of traffic and smog and to the germs and bacteria that come from the smoke of boilers, gas stoves for cooking food or cigarettes.

In winter we spend 92.5% of the time indoor, between home and office; the quality of the air we breathe is absolutely fundamental!

Fortunately there are remedies, some of which are very simple, that we can implement and that can significantly improve our situation.
A correct humidity rate is a determining factor for the healthiness of an environment.
It has to be kept between 45% and 60%: a higher rate causes high or low temperatures to be perceived as too extreme, in addition to causing molds, bacteria and fungi to proliferate.
On the other hand, a too low level results in a too dry air, therefore possible discomfort and inflammation of the respiratory tract and dry mouth.

It is important in these cases to have suitable humidification system available.

An indoor fountain can contribute to the correct humidity level of the room where it is placed by means of the natural evaporation of the water.

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The movement of the water on the sliding surface also generates a slight shift of air which helps to move the atmospheric dust, helping to make it cleaner.

An indoor fountain is therefore not exclusively an aesthetic element, but also affects the quality of the environment and its liveability in a natural way.

The presence of plants is also extremely important for good air quality in a indoor spaces. There are many plant varieties that can fight mold and eliminate toxins by absorbing them, thus purifying the air.
Some are even able to absorb the elements used in chemical detergents.
Among the most suitable apartment species for this purpose are Ficus, Aloe, Dracena, Gerbera and Sansevieria


Speaking of detergents, even the excessive use of chemicals can compromise the quality of the air, causing burns, watery eyes and discomfort in breathing.

In some cases they can be replaced with completely natural products, such as vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice, that when mixed in the right amounts help, for example, to remove stains on our dishes and leave a more pleasant smell.

Finally, a simple but efficient method is to change the air, which must be done shortly and costantly to introduces fresh oxygen and create ventilation to eliminates germs, bacteria, water vapor and smells.

Small tricks that help us keep our home or work environment cleaner and more livable.

Susanna Dei Rossi

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