Water is an important element in the design and construction of a garden: thanks to its “energy” it gives dynamism, vitality and reflection to the space in which it is inserted.
In the “aquatic garden” scheme, plants take on a primary role, not only because of their aesthetic and chromatic properties, but above all because of their functional characteristics.
Aquatic plants act as biological filters by implementing a natural process of water purification: they reduce the pollutants present in the water body, in synergy with nitrifying bacteria. They therefore contribute to maintaining clean water as well as providing the right habitat for a wide range of fauna.
In this sense, oxygenating plants play a key role in aquatic biotope: absorb the organic load present in the water and limit the formation of unicellular algae that give green color to the water, produce oxygen and provide an optimal shelter and food to all the fry of fish or dragonflies, often easy prey for adult fish.
They are therefore essential to keep clean water, ensuring clarity and oxygenation, especially if you want to accommodate fish, turtles or other animals in the pond.
They live completely submerged in water and compete with algae for the dissolved minerals they eat, preventing them from taking over especially during particularly sunny periods, when they could smear and completely green the water. During the day they release large quantities of oxygen indispensable to nourish microorganisms that decompose organic matter and consume mineral salts.
The oxygenating plants must be in proportion to the amount of water – about a third of the pond surface. Ceratophyllum demersum, Chara ispida, Elodea canadensis, Hippuris vulgaris, Mentha cervida and Myriophyllum are some of the species that can be used for this purpose.
The world of aquatic plants is rich and complex: from one side you can choose among many species to obtain an aesthetic effect, but it is not so easy to orient yourself in the correct way in the “functional” choice of the right species, that’s why you should therefore rely on one of the few but good breeders of these wonderful plants.
The fulfillment and management of a natural lake require specific rules and knowledge that, supported by experience and passion, will lead to the creation and maintenance of a balanced habitat, beautiful and harmonious.
Among the most popular floating species the water hyacinth, with its intense green leaves and blue / purple flowers, has a fantastic watertight covering.
Even marsh plants, which are very good for decoration, help to make the aquatic basin more natural and compete with algae, subtracting minerals and nutrients to them and preventing them from making the water murky. They are a great shelter for small invertebrates (eg water snails), frogs and fish. Alnus Glutinosa, Anemone rivularis, Aruncus dioicus, Cardamine pratensis, Carex Elata, Cornus alba, Euphorbia palustris, Hostae, Parnassia palustris and Salix alba are just some of the species that can embellish a natural pond.
Among the most popular floating species the water hyacinth, with its intense green leaves and blue / purple flowers, has a fantastic watertight covering.
Even marsh plants, which are very good for decoration, help to make the aquatic basin more natural and compete with algae, subtracting minerals and nutrients to them and preventing them from making the water murky. They are a great shelter for small invertebrates (eg water snails), frogs and fish. Alnus Glutinosa, Anemone rivularis, Aruncus dioicus, Cardamine pratensis, Carex Elata, Cornus alba, Euphorbia palustris, Hostae, Parnassia palustris and Salix alba are just some of the species that can embellish a natural pond.