We fell in love with this job: realizing unique artworks, able to touch the public. This give us the chance to grow up together is this eternal pursuit of beauty. If you like beautiful and well done design objects and want to explore the potentiality of water features, come to see us.
Waterfall with pond
Private Villa, Pavia
Un laghetto artificiale a tre vasche, alimentato da una fontana a tre cascate, con piante acquatiche e ninfee.
Un laghetto artificiale a tre vasche, alimentato da una fontana a tre cascate, con piante acquatiche e ninfee.
As it often happens also this fountain was born from an idea and a collaboration, but this time also the customer had a fundamental role. This project was born in a magnificent garden almost 800 SM, in a private villa near Pavia. It is a central waterfall that gives water to three tanks, connected by a communicating conduct, as they form a small artificial lake.
The executive project was designed by the garden architect Daniele Colla from Milan, and realized by Forme d'Acqua, but the customer actively collaborated with the architect, in various details, following the original project.
In Architect Colla's words:
The project realised in Pavia project was a great experience of sharing and creative collaboration with my client. We found ourselves right away on many aesthetic aspects of the project that evolved from a first simple idea drawn on a notebook, inspired by Carlo Scarpa's project at the IUAV University entrance in Venice. A simple project at first sight, which hides a long consultation with industry specialists who made this idea possible. I must congratulate the customer on her determination and thank her for giving me this opportunity.Because of the presence of aquatic plants Forme d'Acqua designed and built a mechanical cleaning and filtration system, made of a sand filter and above all a particular Oase Filtoclear system equipped with a set of high-strength sponges to retain dirt and impurities and a UV-ray lamp for water sterilization. The Oase Aquamax Eco Expert 16000 filtration pump is housed in the inner manhole where it pushes dirty water towards the filter. It comes out clean and under pressure until it re-enters the tanks. The central waterfall instead is driven by an Oase Aquamax Eco Expert 26000 pump. In the project there is also an automatic loading system to compensate for the evaporated water, connected to an automatic water level sensor. A beautiful and elegant project that fits into a very nice green environment as result of a pleasant team work where we made collaborated with knowledge and techinical competence. A double satisfaction for Forme d’Acqua to complete this project!